CDOT, PACE, CTA, UPRR working together to make the 95th Street at the UPRR Grade Separation Study work for the public.
Travelers, communities, businesses, elected officials and many others are all “stakeholders” in this study. Since these issues can be complex, this plan allows us to create a partnership among CDOT, PACE, CTA, along with other stakeholders, to develop workable solutions for completing this project. We will provide a public engagement plan that reflects a partnership with all stakeholders that helps us understand their needs and concerns as we move through the project. We will provide a public engagement plan that reflects a partnership with all stakeholders that helps us understand their needs and concerns as we move through the project.
Project resources will be regularly updated and available for download on this site.
Fact Sheet
Stakeholder Involvement Plan
Community Advisory Group (CAG)
- April 16, 2019: CDOT GS21a CAG 1 Presentation Final
- April 16, 2019: CDOT GS21a CAG 1 Summary
- June 27, 2019: CDOT GS21a CAG 2 Presentation Final
- June 27, 2019: CDOT GS21a CAG 2 Summary
- July 28, 2020: CDOT GS21a CAG 3 Presentation Final
- July 28, 2020: CDOT GS21a CAG 3 Summary
- September 27, 2021: CDOT GS21a CAG 4 Presentation Final
- September 27, 2021: CDOT GS21a CAG 4 Summary

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